My #1 Tool for Demolishing Your Demons

My #1 Tool for Demolishing Your Demons

If I showed you my #1 tool for demolishing your demons would you be interested? All is well. Even if it doesn’t feel like it is. Especially if it doesn’t feel like it is. We get caught up in clinging to the idea that things should be a certain way, which build walls...
Summer Meditation: The Light Within

Summer Meditation: The Light Within

As we soak up the warmth of abundant summer sunlight, there’s no better time to reflect on the light within us.  When we are aligned with our Highest Self, we radiate that light in everything we do. Each of us holds the potential to nurture and cultivate the...
The Easiest Immunity Boost

The Easiest Immunity Boost

If I told you that you could start your morning with the easiest immunity boost, would you be interested? Now that summer has arrived I like to get out for an early morning walk before things heat up. I’m not the only one: there are birds singing, rabbits...
A shift to strengthen your inner wisdom

A shift to strengthen your inner wisdom

Beautiful heart, I’d like to offer a simple shift to help you strengthen your inner wisdom. let’s talk about the word should; you see, should is one of those words that gets us tangled up in knots. We tell ourselves we “should” do certain things even when our...
The First Step to Finding Inner Peace

The First Step to Finding Inner Peace

Many of us are looking for the first step to finding inner peace, longing to feel calm and peaceful more often. We may experience fleeting moments of peacefulness but it doesn’t last as long as we would like. We continue to search for answers, hoping to find the right...