The First Step to Finding Inner Peace


Many of us are looking for the first step to finding inner peace, longing to feel calm and peaceful more often. We may experience fleeting moments of peacefulness but it doesn’t last as long as we would like. We continue to search for answers, hoping to find the right formula, or waiting for conditions to be just right.  Yet the only way we will find inner peace is by taking time and space to look within ourselves.

Inner peace is an inside job.

Inner peace lives within us; it is an inside job. That’s why we call it inner peace! Since this state of being exists within us, we don’t have to go anywhere to find it. We only need to sit still, close our eyes, relax, and experience it.

Discover who you are at your deepest level.

When we do so, we are able to access our inner world, who we are at our deepest level. By doing this we develop a relationship with ourselves, without the noise and distractions of the world around us. How else can we ever know who we truly are?

Most of us have difficulty sitting still, and being alone. We feel as if we must be doing something, or going somewhere. Perhaps we feel like we’re missing out, while others are off leading glorious lives.

Learn to sit quietly. Alone.

Until we’re able to learn to be with ourselves, inner peace will always remain elusive.  Author and Presidential candidate Marianne Williamson often shares a famous quote from French philosopher Blaise Pascal: “Every problem in the world stems from man’s inability to sit quietly in a room alone.”

Do you ever feel like you want to get off the carnival ride of life from time to time? Each time you do, by sitting in stillness, you give your nervous system a break. Meditation is a mini vacation for your brain, the recharge, and reset your body and being crave. More importantly, it’s the opportunity for you to connect to the fullness of your being, to answer the great existential question, “Who am I? “

Develop inner strength and resilience.

The greatest benefit of taking time to go within is the ever-growing sense of grounded inner stability it provides. The more we truly know who we are, the less it matters what goes on around us. When we are fortified on the inside, we have built the inner strength and resilience to deal with whatever arises in our lives.

When we do that, we are unstoppable. We are no longer at the mercy of the changing tides of the world. We stand on the bedrock of our inner world, rather than the shifting sands of waves of change.

Even now, your inner world shimmers and beckons you. Can you hear it? Will you answer? Say yes.

Ready for the Next Step?

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