How to Release Painful Memories


When a painful memory resurfaces you probably ask yourself why then wonder how to release painful memories. Here is a practice I’ve found to be the most direct and effective method to releasing them for good.

Have you ever noticed how painful memories sometimes bubble up out of nowhere? One minute you’re feeling good and then… they creep in.

• That nasty thing someone said or did to you yesterday…. or 20 years ago

• That thing you did that one time that you really wish you hadn’t done

• Etc

Using the practice of mindfulness

The key to releasing these painful memories is to pay attention to your thoughts and how you feel. The moment you notice a painful memory resurfacing, remind yourself not to get caught up in that thought. Stop reliving it in your head over and over.

• You have the ability to notice your thoughts

• Therefore, you are not your thoughts.

• When you have a thought that isn’t serving you, you have the ability to choose to think about something else.

The process of releasing painful memories

• Notice the thought

• Acknowledge that you are having it without getting caught up in it

• Then, choose again

You choose what to think about

You could choose to look out the window at something beautiful

You could choose to think about someone you love

You could choose to think about a recent experience you thoroughly enjoyed

You could choose to think about whether or not you are properly hydrated right now

You get the idea.

Build awareness and redirect your mind

Painful memories are simply thoughts. We cannot rewrite the past, but we do get to choose what we do NOW. We do get to choose what we think about on NOW. You might think, “I can’t control my thoughts” But if not you, then who?

It’s an ongoing practice of building awareness and redirecting your mind when you notice you are stuck in thoughts that don’t serve you. When you do that, you claim:

• Your power

• Your happiness

• Your well-being

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